Home and Industrial Composting Explained

A Toraphene Guide


Composting at home or using a commerical composting facility reduces landfill waste and reduces your carbon footprint.


Industrial composting facilities use high heat and pressure to break down materials that wouldn't break down in natural conditions.


Home composting is a more natural process, but this limits the kinds of materials it can successfully compost.

Home composting

Home composting is a small-scale, personal venture. You can start it in your backyard or even indoors using a specialized bin. The cost is generally low, as all you need is a bin and your daily organic waste.


This waste typically includes things like vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells. However, although they are naturally compostable, it's advisable to avoid composting meat, dairy, and diseased plants as these can attract pests or create unpleasant smell.


The decompostition process is a slow and steady one. Depending on various factors such as temperature, moisture and the balance of materials, it can take several months for your waste to turn into nutrient-rich compost. This requires regular turning for aeration and even decomposition.


Desite the manual labour involved, many find the process rewarding, especially when the end result is used to nourish their gardens or potted plants.

Industrial composting

Industrial composting, on the other hand is a large-scale operation, typically managed by waste treatment companies. These facilities have the infrastructure to handle waste from numerous households or businesses. The scope of materials they can compost is also broader and can include meats, dairy, and industrially compostable plastics, which would not compost under natural conditions.


Thanks to controlled conditions, such as high temperatures of 60 degrees C, and sophisticated monitoring conditions, industrial composting is a quicker process, with materials generally decomposing fully within 6 to 8 weeks.


These optimal conditions, which include precise temperature, moisture, and aeration levels, ensure rapid and efficient decomposition - even of materials that could not compost in nature without these artificial conditions.


The end product of industrial composting often finds its way into commercial sale, or is used in agriculture or landscaping.


While both home and industrial composting contribute to waste reduction and soil health, they differ in scale, process control, the range of compostable materials, and the intended use of the end product.


Home composting is more natural, but industrial composting can allow otherwise uncompostable things to be broken down quickly using its artificial conditions.